Saturday, December 29, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Poga Moonga is the only supplement your body needs!
We all know how important it is to get the proper nutrition to help maintain a healthy body. And as busy as everyone’s life is, it’s hard to get everything you need that you can get from eating the right foods. So we turn to synthetic supplements to keep healthy. The problem is supplements that are synthetic are not combatable to your body chemistry. Your body uses it’s own vitamins and minerals to try to break down synthetic supplements to try to extract the artificial vitamins and minerals that you took the vitamin for in the first place.
The problem with artificial supplements is that they can’t be absorbed by your body well enough to gain any benefit from them. So now you’ve taken a synthetic supplement and you are worst off than when you started taking them. Not to mention, that when you get to much of an artificial supplement they may cause very bad side effects. Some side effect from an artificial supplement can cause harmful side effects that you don’t even know you have and cause damage to your body years from now.
If you use a supplement, you should use a natural food vitamin. A natural supplement is absorbed easier by your body because they come from foods which match your body chemistry. There are many good natural supplements on the market today. So how do you know which natural supplement is the right one? All natural supplements are the best kind of vitamin supplement to take. The only difference is the quantity of each ingredient and how your body is able to absorb the supplement. Even a natural supplement can be more or less effective due to how they process the ingredients.
But the most important part of any supplement is the ingredients. Every week someone comes out with another “natural “ supplement that they claim is the best thing ever. There’s this juice and that juice but what if someone put together a supplement that combined 3 natural products into one unbelievable product. Well, some one finally did. Using 3 of the most effective natural products known. Now you can get the best natural free radicals and antioxidants from the pomegranate, the healing and health benefits of the detoxifying moringa tree and the magical healing and health properties of the aloe vera plant all combined into one super drink.
Poga Moonga is the first to combine the best of all three amazing products. So, the time has come to empower yourself and take control of your health. Because when you come right down to it there is nothing more important than your health. It’s time to get your life back and be in control of your future health.
We all know the best recommendation comes from someone who has experienced results from using a product. All I can say is it’s the best supplement I ever tried. Find out what a healthy body really feels like.